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Awareness Through Movement® classes

These classes guide you through gentle, relaxing movements with powerful results. You will use the mechanics of your body and the natural curiosity of your mind to:

- uncover your innate range and flexibility

- regain your natural good posture

- recover from pain and injury

- restore your creative drive

- relax ... and find a balance of energy and calm


How does it work? Not through physical effort or learning a "right way". You build the tools to assess your own movement and weed out the physical habits that prevent you from moving through your days with ease, energy and flexibility. Now you're working smarter – physically, emotionally, intellectually. And it feels good!

Click here to get more information about classes.

Practising Yoga

Private In-Home Awareness Through Movement® class

Are aches and pains slowing you down? Do you want to work with less tension in your neck, shoulders and upper back? Do you want to get on a path to fitness that's enjoyable, and sustainable, and safe for your age and stage? Private classes give you expert support and guidance to reach your goals.

Click here to get information about private classes.

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